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A Thanksgiving Thank You from Your Volunteers

By Bob D’Ambrosio

Since this is the time of year we stop and give thanks, it’s only appropriate that we share with church leaders what their volunteers want them to know.

Those who are served by pastors and ministry leaders have received a lifetime of blessings. Here are just a few.

Thank you for…

…knowing our names and the names of our family members.

…demonstrating, through your life, how to keep the faith in tough personal times.

…praying for us.

…resisting the temptation to pass along gossip.

…your thoughtful, handwritten notes.

…allowing volunteers to run with their ministry passions.

…your eagerness to learn—even from non-ministry voices.

…acknowledging your weaknesses.

…your passion for finding lost sheep.

…remembering to say thank you—even when we forget to do the same.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving,

Your volunteers

[Adapted from the book, Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore]

A Thanksgiving Thank You from Your Vo...

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