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Exploring Teen Suicide

There’s an epidemic in our country. Every year, 5,000 teenagers commit suicide, a number that sadly continues increase.

As a pastor, you’ve likely witnessed the tragic impact teen suicide has on community, and a church. And sometimes, it can be difficult to know how to help.

That’s why we created the ‘Exploring Teen Suicide’ program, an hour long video discussion designed to bring about conversations surrounding this most difficult topic.

When you download this free resource, you’ll receive:

  • The hour-long ‘Exploring Teen Suicide’ video program
  • A host recipe to help guide the discussion
  • Handouts on how to help prevent teen suicide
  • A video trailer for promotion

Use this as an opportunity to partner with other churches, parents and even schools to bring awareness and even a little bit of healing.

We pray this program will open doors to honest, transparent communication. That it will shine a ray of hope into the lives of those who’ve been touched by teen suicide. And that it will convey a message of God’s love and concern.

– The Group Church Leadership Team

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