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Small Group Experiences that Deepen Connections

by Adam Bohlmeyer

In today’s fast paced world, genuine conversation is often a rarity.

It’s easily put on the back burner and replaced with a text message, tweet, or email. It’s more acceptable for people to share thoughts in 152 characters or less rather than through face-to-face interaction. The words may be there, but rarely is the depth, personal connection, and humanity.

With authentic connection at a premium, your church’s small groups have a unique and important opportunity. They can be a safe place for human interaction and conversation that grows people closer to each other while also growing them closer to Jesus Christ.

The big question though… how can you achieve this in your small groups?

Below are some simple suggestions to help your small group talk and grow like never before.

1. Prime the relational pump

It may seem like a basic idea, but deep conversation doesn’t naturally come about cold turkey. A simple ice breaker question related to the topic will set the stage for further thought, openness, and quality conversation. Starting with “How was your week?” paves the way for “How has Jesus impacted your life?”.

2. Give people something to relate to

While some have an easy time sharing thoughts and ideas, others in your small group may be hesitant to speak up. Presenting relevant topics and issues that impact adults’ everyday lives gives them something meaningful to talk about, and makes it easier for everyone to share.

3. Use the power of story

When people see or hear something that interests and impacts them, conversational flood gates open. A topic-related video or illustration makes even difficult topics easier to discuss. Stories build off of one another. Present one and others will follow.

4. Check out this church leadership book

God Space: Where Spiritual Conversations Happen Naturally, you’ll connect with these real-life stories of how ordinary people learned how to engage others in rich spiritual conversations that open doors instead of slamming them shut. With this adult ministry leadership book, you’ll find fresh insights and practical tools for connecting with others about the things that matter most.

Small Group Experiences that Deepen C...

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