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Just Three of These a Day Could Lengthen Your Life

by Joani Schultz

It couldn’t be that simple, could it?

Like a lot of people I know, I’m obsessed with healthier living. Anti-aging secrets. Quick fixes. I’m a glutton for the never-ending parade of solutions for my hectic life.

So you can imagine my glee when I learned a simple, no-cost way to activate the gene that will

  • lower my blood pressure,
  • slow the aging of blood vessels and organs, and
  • strengthen my immune system’s ability to destroy cancer cells.

Wow! All I need to do is:

Jot three things I’m thankful for every day.

Ooh! Jot? I like to write.

Three? That’s not too overwhelming. (And scientists said it doesn’t even need to be anything too spectacular to count.)

And “things I’m thankful for every day”? That’s not too hard.

Or is it?

Give thanks in all circumstances.

I know the Bible reminds me to be thankful.

“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NLT).

But that’s where the three-a-day prescription gets tricky.

Maybe you’ve felt like me. For the past few months, God has really challenged me. It has been like being on a “gratitude” scavenger hunt—and finding nothing.

It might not of been a year of good news. Yet, every day God brought MORE than three things to appreciate. Although it wasn’t always easy, in the mess of it all, I could thank God for…

  • miraculous medical advances for all my friends and family facing health concerns.
  • my loving husband, son, daughter-in-love, sister, co-workers, and friends who lift me up—in more ways than you know.
  • kind co-workers who support and forgive me in the face of risk taking.
  • my understanding that He knows the big picture and “the rest of the story.”

And like the researchers said, gratefulness isn’t just about the biggies.

I’m also thankful for…

  • breathing without thinking about it.
  • a toilet that flushes.
  • laughter down the hall.
  • the overwhelming receptivity to The Jesus-Centered Bible. (I’m doubly thankful others are drawn to Jesus!)
  • the smell of fresh rain on dirt.
  • the scientists who researched thankfulness. (God knew it all along!)

Try to take a couple minutes everyday and think about 3 simple things you are thankful for, this can also help set the tone of your day to be more positive and full of gratitude for all the little things.

Just Three of These a Day Could Lengt...

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