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The Ripple Theory: The Power of You

by Joani Schultz

You have incredible power.

Yes, you.

I’ll call it The Ripple Theory.

Like a pebble thrown in a pond, as small as it seems, it creates rings of influence. Ripples.

Thus, YOU hold the power of The Ripple Theory.

I realized this after the death of my dad and my mom. Both were unexpected deaths, both unexpected impact. They were simple farm folk, not famous by any of today’s standards. Neither could figure out “likes” on Facebook or tweets and followers on Twitter. Yet they made a huge impact through little ways—their decades of showing unconditional love. Their “gentle whispers” touched family and friends in profound ways.

So when God gifts you with one more day, remember this:

Mighty Power

You have influence no one else on this planet has. Only you can change you. Only you have the unique connections with your family, friends, and coworkers. No other person can be who you can be. Or be with others the way you can be with them.

That’s power. You matter. And if that’s not enough, because of Jesus, he’s promised you the same power that raised him from the dead!

“I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 1:19-20).

Power’s reputation booms with grave-shattering strength. Mighty power.

But if that all sounds impossible or intimidating for us as mere mortals, fear not.

Mini Power 

God promises to unleash his almighty power in still, small whispers…

And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper” (1 Kings 19:12).

…and still, small ways. If you’re not the boulder-crashing-into-water type, but feel more like a tiny pebble in a puddle, every day you can practice power through The Ripple Theory:



*Letting someone else go first.

*Sending an encouraging note.

*Giving a hug.

*Stopping to listen.

*Praying for a friend.

*Praying for an enemy.

*Saying “I’m sorry.”

*Whispering “I love you.”

God sends “power” actions like these into far-reaching ripples of love.

That’s The Ripple Theory.

And you have the power!


The Ripple Theory: The Power of You

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