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3 Questions to Ask Before Easter

by Bob D’Ambrosio

What words comes to mind when you think of Easter?

Joy. Forgiveness. Life. Spring.

How about peace?

Again, Jesus said, “Peace be with you.”  —John 20:21

It’s interesting that on the first Easter evening, Jesus appears to his disciples and tells them, “Peace be with you.” The message of peace is so important he tells them twice. Instead of explaining his miraculous resurrection, he simply wishes them peace.

That may be a message we need to hear this Easter. Our news is filled with stories of mass shootings, political divisions, global threats, an unstable economy and other stress-inducing situations.  Add to that the personal storms you’re dealing with and our stress levels may have depleted our capacity for peace.

Can we be peace-filled this Easter when life seems out of control?

For the disciples, the outcome of Jesus’ words and seeing his physical presence caused them to be “overjoyed.” They experienced peace.

Before Easter, take a deep breath and read John 20:19-23. Ask yourself:

  • What message does Jesus want to tell me this Easter?
  • How can I allow God’s peace to fill me?
  • Who in my life needs God’s peace and what can I do to make that happen?

May the peace of God fill you this Easter in a fresh, new way!

3 Questions to Ask Before Easter

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