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Human Kind

It seemed so simple.

My husband dropped me off before going to search for a parking space. Since MS has robbed me of my balance, walking from the car to the restaurant door 20 feet away felt more like crossing a football field. No easy task!

“Don’t fall,” my husband reminded me as he drove off. The car door shut behind me. I was on my own.

I concentrated on the ground as I planted my cane in the curbside snow slush. Slowly. Carefully. I can make it, I told myself.

Just then a family of four walked by.

“Can I help?” asked the dad.
“Sure,” I replied as I latched onto his arm covered in plaid flannel.
“Here, let me get the door,” the mom joined in as she leaped into action.

With their simple help, I made it safely into the restaurant. Grateful, I thanked them. Away they went.

As I waited for Thom, I thought: What great parents!

In less than a minute they taught their kids a lesson of a lifetime. In that moment, they showed how easy and spontaneous kindness can be. Noticing a need. Lending a hand. Opening a door.

Kindness is a wonderful life skill.

My prayer these days? That we all realize how everything we do—no matter how small—teaches our kids something. May it be kindness and love!



Photo by Alvin Mahmudov 

Human Kind

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