A Baby’s on the Way!
by Joani Schultz Everything Christmas shouts “A Baby’s about to be born!” However. This Christmas, for Thom and me, looking forward to a baby definitely has taken on a new…
by Joani Schultz Everything Christmas shouts “A Baby’s about to be born!” However. This Christmas, for Thom and me, looking forward to a baby definitely has taken on a new…
by Doug Pollock The temperature is dropping, lights are adorning houses, and indoor tree decorating is at it’s peak. With December 25th quickly approaching, one question is begging to be…
by Austin Maxheimer The words we use sometimes do us a disservice in capturing the biblical message. A classic example is when you read “heart” in the Old Testament. In…
by Joani Schultz I know the truth about YOU. I’m not a fortune teller or social media whiz. But I do know the raw truth about you. That’s because I…
by Austin Maxheimer If we are going to truly Refresh the Church, then alongside the Bible and our favorite Christian authors, we need to be reading the books of our…
by Joani Schultz I don’t know anyone who likes conflict. But if someone from another planet dropped in on our country these days, they’d think us humans thrive on conflict…
by Zach Below Some of the most ridiculous photography I’ve ever seen comes from the covers of small- group brochures. Have you seen these photos? The universal picture of choice…
by Joani Schultz “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power…
by Joani Schultz I. Was. Stuck. Frustrated. Trapped. Like a helpless victim waiting for somebody to come by and pull me out. Like villages in Nepal during the earthquake, the…