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Where is the road ahead going to take you?

Many churches around the country are beginning to ask these questions: Where are we headed? What does the future hold? With a rapidly increasing number of the churches in America either stuck or in decline, the time for change has never been more necessary than it is today.

What role will you play?

This month marks one year since we released our new documentary, ‘When God Left the Building‘. We started out touring the country with the film. We went from city to city inviting pastors to join us in discussions after the film.

Now churches around the country are showing this film with their leadership teams and congregations as a way to chart the future, move into the community, and rediscover their purpose.

Whether you play a staff or volunteer role at your church, the process outlined before, during and after showing the film is designed to empower you to be a part of the change your church needs. It can all start by getting this documentary for your leadership team or a core group to review together.

Check out what other churches that have shown this film are envisioning as their next steps in the process:

“We are redesigning our mission statement, working to improve our communication, reaching out to the community, and trying not to be so ‘into ourselves.'”
—Spring Valley United Methodist Church

“We used this with nearly 50 other leaders in our church and focused on the questions that you provided us. This was a great discussion and is really helping us plan for the future.”
—Crown of Life Church

“This film pushed us to establish new and unconventional forms of evangelism and community presence.”
—Liberty Network International

“We are quickly moving to implement new venues and connect with the community and unchurched.”
—Messiah Lutheran Church

To learn more about ‘When God Left The Building‘ and to show it to your entire church, visit

Where is the road ahead going to take...

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