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Your A – Z Guide to Developing Disciples and Growing Ministry

by Bob D’Ambrosio

AAssign teams…Create teams to oversee each ministry and model the value of teamwork.

BBuild on a biblical foundation…Teach believers that discipleship involves the process of discovering and using our God-given gifts and abilities.

CCreate a volunteer-friendly culture…Motivate, encourage, equip, and assist people as they connect to a group or ministry role.

DDelegate ministry responsibilities…Give volunteers opportunities to be involved in significant ministry functions.

EEnergize your team through affirmation…Lift people up with words, praise their efforts, and encourage them in their gifts.

FFocus on the vision…Continually cast the vision of the ministry to keep people inspired.

GGive it time… Allow time to build a church culture that supports the values of equipping and empowering people for ministry.

HHave fun…We give you permission to lighten up and not take yourself—or the demands of ministry—too seriously.

IIdentify the uniqueness of people…Help people discover their gifts, talents, experiences, passions, and abilities to find their place in the body of Christ.

JJoin a community…Find a support network of other equipping leaders or connect with us on our Refresh the Church Facebook page. We’re all in this together.

KKeep a positive attitude…You can’t control what happens; you can only control how you respond to what happens.

LLead from your strengths…Effective ministry leaders maximize and develop their strengths and learn to manage their weaknesses.

MMobilize people…Create a discovery process to help people understand their gifting and uniqueness for placement in an area of serving, community, or training.

NNotice the progress…Constantly affirm the value of change, and the people who are making the change possible.

OOrganize your connecting systems…Evaluate how you move people from sitting to serving and fine-tune the systems needed.

PPrepare people for ministry…Teach the biblical foundation for serving so people understand that God calls and equips us to serve.

QeQuip God’s people for works of service… Ephesians 4:12 directs us to prepare God’s people for works of service. No one-man bands!

RRecognize people for what they do…Give recognition to cheer people toward faithful service.

SStay the course…Don’t give up on God, his church, people, your vision, or yourself.

TTalk openly…Fearless conversation is vital within your team, congregation, and with other church leaders to overcome challenges and move forward.

UUtilize available resources…Invest in resources that develop you as a leader and empower your team.

VValue people…Avoid the rookie-leader mistake of assuming your people know how important they are to the mission or how much you appreciate them.

WWorry less; pray more…Find a prayer partner who can help you leave the details and pressures of ministry in God’s hands and will remind you that God is in control.

Xbe eXternally focused…When a church is internally strong it can be externally focused.

Ytake care of Yourself…Prioritize your personal spiritual growth and self-care.

Zadd some daZzle to your ministry…As representatives of the Great Dazzler, we should strive to live lives that wow people for Jesus in our community, our worship, and daily interactions.

Your A – Z Guide to Developing ...

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