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See your ministry through the eyes of a predator
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FREE WEBINAR: See your ministry through the eyes of a predator

According to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, there are over 900,000 registered sex offenders in the United States.

And, statistically speaking, you probably see at least one of them in church every week.

While most church leaders agree that child safety is important, they often overlook essential steps to help keep kids safe. Why is it that churches tend to have plans in place when it comes to medical emergencies or evacuations but leave themselves vulnerable to sexual abuse?

What is most alarming is that recent studies have shown that predators are actually targeting churches. To help combat that, we’ve teamed up with KidCheck’s CEO Alex Smith and child protection specialist Angela Lewton to talk about this disturbing trend. During this webinar, you’ll learn how to identify the behaviors of a sexual predator. This will help you be better prepared to protect the children who have been entrusted in your care.

In this webinar, we discuss…

—the characteristics of a predator
—the qualities that attract predators to church
—the ways in which sexual predators infiltrate congregations
—the practices and preventative measures necessary to keep your children safe

We also answer questions like…

—Is it better to practice an open-door policy in the children’s area of church to prevent sexual abuse or a closed-door policy to protect against an active shooter and church intruders?
—What kind of things should I be aware of when I’m running background checks on my volunteers?
—How has social media affected the way predators behave?


In addition to the resources in this video, Group Publishing also offers a comprehensive safety kit for churches looking to prioritize security in the church. You can read more here.

FREE WEBINAR: See your ministry throu...

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