Our little granddaughter’s almost 2.
She’s the cutest little human ever! (Oh, you know one of those, too?) I marvel how God created Cadence like a human magnet. A mirror. Recorder. Sponge.
That means her brain is growing at an amazing rate. Miraculously, in the first two or three years of life, the number of neural connections grow to six times what they are at birth! Plus BabyCenter.com says, “Scientific evidence shows that love, attention, and affection in the first years of life have a direct and measurable impact on a child’s physical, mental, and emotional growth.” Wow!
What a miracle! Her smiles and first words mesmerize us! And those around her pile on affection (not even realizing we’re impacting her future growth!)
During Group U’s creation, this adorable little guy was born to our website strategist!
Her ability to learn amazes me. And I’ve wondered…
Was our capacity to grow and learn what Jesus meant when he said…
“I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it” (Mark 10:15)?
I believe Jesus wants us to gobble up everything about God’s kingdom as we learn and grow. It’s like Cadence’s capacity to learn mirrors what I love about people in ministry.
See if you agree.
Two of Cadence’s favorite words are “more” and “again.”
Perched in her highchair, Cadence likes to reach out her little hands. “More grapesthsss!” she demands.
Instead of a dish of sliced grapes, you’ve asked for “more.” You want to be…
More effective. Because you love Jesus and want others to love him, too, you’re looking for ways to sharpen your ministry skills. You’re excited to make the most of every minute.
More confident. You want skills and ideas that make a difference. You want practical helps that give evidence your efforts matter. You love hearing others’ faith “ahas.”
More connected to community. You thrive with others—especially those in your like-minded tribe who share your calling in ministry. You’re assured you’re not alone.
Check out this easy online way to gain practical skills to become more effective, confident, and find community!
Because you’ve asked for “more,” Group U is for YOU.
Bonus: Group U offers an affordable way to become certified and “more” recognized as the lifelong learner you are!
Cadence loves when Daddy swings and swirls her around.
“Again!” she giggles.
She’s learned a new song about what she—and others—wear. Everyone points and claps as they describe their clothes.
“Again,” she squeals as she jump, jump, jumps. Delightful!
So, like Cadence, we learn by doing. In your efforts to learn and grow, you value real-life training experiences, too. You’ve asked…
Again, offer ways to hone our skills.
Again, show fresh approaches to minister to today’s kids.
Again, provide affordable options for our teams to first-rate training.
If you’ve experienced Group training or workshops before, you know they’re unforgettable. You’re immediately able to practice tips you’ve learned. No theoretical gobbledygook.
Experience exhilarates! And face-to-face experiences can’t be beat. That’s why Group not only offers interactive online Group U, Group brings face-to-face, discovery-rich training.
“Again” you can enjoy learning and networking with others who share your passion.
With all-new, latest information and skills that really work, you can find face-to-face learning opportunities.
Again, you can register for workshops coming your way. Check out Youth Ministry Local Trainingand Children’s Ministry Local Training.
If not you, share this info with someone you know who can benefit!
Let’s learn like a child!